Do I have game? I’d like to think so. Now back in the day, I’d dabble a bit at the arcade with some Donkey Kong, Centipede and Q-Bert (that orange guy with the big nose sure was cute). Move to the 90s and add a little Nintendo action with the Super Mario Brothers and then some Tetris. In the last few years, I jumped on the Guitar Hero and RockBand tour (I’m even proud to say that I actually did win a contest a few years back and could rip a mean solo). Now I’ve got an iPad and iPhone and usually get spanked at Words with Friends, but does that classify me as having game? Sure it does.
Over 72% of American households play computer video games. The industry has moved from arcade gaming to console gaming, then to pc gaming, and now we’re in the age of online and mobile gaming. In an economic environment where many industries are struggling to grow, the online gaming sector is soaring. Why is that? Could it be the easy access that tablets and smart phones offer causing everyone to get in the game?
Business Insights forecasts in their 2011 Video Gaming Industry Outlook that online gaming revenues will increase from $13.2 billion in 2009 to $25.3 billion in 2014, posting a CAGR of 13.9%. How are online game developers and publishers keeping up with gamer demands and the brisk pace of innovation?
Join us tomorrow to check out the latest trends in the gaming industry. Hear from a panel of real “gamers” on what they’re seeing in their businesses as they maximize their IT Infrastructure to be high scorers in the market. Gaming experts Kelvin Mok from Gravity Interactive and Monty Sharma of MassDigi will discuss the role of mobile and tablets, optimal environments for online games and more. Join us for our live webcast to be a part of the discussion.
Image courtesy of Hi-Rez Studios.