Bare-metal cloud has helped Hi-Rez Studios achieve higher economic efficiencies and superior online gaming performance.
Have you ever wondered how online gaming companies meet end user demands for high performance and low latency? Fast-paced MMOGs have unique challenges regarding IT Infrastructure, and providing an exceptional user experience is critical. During a global launch, your new game could see a huge influx of users, and providing a high-quality gaming experience depends largely on scalability and performance.
As the winner of the Technology Association of Georgia’s 2012 Excalibur Award, Hi-Rez Studios uses Internap’s bare-metal cloud to efficiently achieve an exceptional user experience. Located just outside Atlanta, Hi-Rez requires a scalable, secure and reliable technology platform to support their growing needs. Successful online gaming infrastructure is composed of several factors, including low latency, the best network and the most efficient route.
Download the complete Hi-Rez Studios case study here.