Jan 16, 2014

Distil Networks expands service offerings with consolidated infrastructure from Internap

Ansley Kilgore

Distil NetworksThe number of malicious bots trolling the Internet is increasing every year, wreaking havoc on defenseless websites and slowing down online applications. To stop this madness, Distil Networks has developed technology to help enterprises block automated non-human visitors, providing protection from content theft, data mining, web scraping and fraud. Founded in 2011, Distil Networks boasts a 99.9% effectiveness rate along with a quick setup process, and most recently, a new private cloud deployment offering for customers that prefer an on-premise solution.

To ensure reliable, high quality protection for their customers’ websites, Distil Networks has established an effective IT infrastructure foundation which includes Internap’s bare-metal cloud and managed hosting services.

Prior to transitioning their services to Internap, Distil Networks provisioned cloud servers from multiple providers – including Internap – to spin up compute power as needed, load software and manage it in different locations. But as their business grew, Distil Networks required a more automated deployment process, which led them to integrate each provider’s API into the Distil Networks infrastructure. But the unique rules of so many individual providers actually complicated matters, and Distil Networks struggled to create an automated, uniform deployment process. As a result, deployments took longer, the likelihood of mistakes increased and extra development time was often needed.

No more ‘scattered deployments’
Distil Networks required an IT infrastructure that could provide the necessary integration to streamline deployments, along with the scalability to meet growing demands for their solution.

Of the many providers that Distil Networks used at the time, only one was able to meet their requirements. Internap had facilities in the right locations, along with IP and colocation services that gave Distil Networks the ability to integrate, even in colos. Initially, Distil Networks only utilized Internap’s bare-metal cloud in New York, but they soon transitioned services from their other providers to Internap. Today, Distil Networks uses Internap’s bare-metal cloud in five locations around the globe, plus Internap managed hosting service in London, Atlanta and Los Angeles.

Enhanced performance
Distil Networks was concerned that transitioning to one provider would have an impact on network performance, but Internap exceeded their expectations. According to Rami Essaid, Co-Founder & CEO of Distil Networks, “We ended up doing performance tests, and Internap came out really strong, beating out the performance of our existing infrastructure. It wasn’t just a check mark; it became something to convince us even further that we should move.”

Automated deployment
Through Internap’s integrated services, Distil Networks successfully established a uniform deployment process. No longer did they have to work around the restrictions of many different providers, and as a result, new customer deployments now take place quickly and efficiently.

Improved customer experience
In addition to a speedy deployment, Distil Networks customers benefit from faster network connectivity and better redundancy thanks to the speed of Internap’s Performance IPTM service. Customers receive even better protection and security from Distil Networks technology due to performance gains.

Expanded service portfolio
As a result of consolidating their services with Internap, Distil Networks was able to spend more time innovating instead of troubleshooting. Their latest initiative is a new private cloud deployment option that gives customers the ability to install the Distil Networks software on-premise. Customers no longer need to route through the Distil Networks infrastructure; the software can be deployed on the customers’ own servers or in the data center of their choosing.

For Distil Networks, improving their performance and operational efficiencies didn’t require an overhaul of their architecture. Distil Networks has successfully transitioned from a scattered deployment to an automated, integrated process by using Internap solutions. As a result of consolidating their services under one provider, Distil Networks can focus on scaling out their business and creating new product offerings with the IT infrastructure foundation provided by Internap.

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Ansley Kilgore

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