May 2, 2013

Explore your IT Infrastructure options with Internap’s Solution Builder

Ansley Kilgore

Choosing a hosting platform that meets the unique needs of your business can be challenging, and many variables must be considered when making IT infrastructure decisions. Different use cases and workloads can require different infrastructure options, and other factors such as sensitivity to latency and downtime, speed of deployment and security must also be evaluated.

To address this challenge, we’ve created the Solution Builder, an online tool to help you navigate the myriad of infrastructure options available, from colocation and managed hosting to private and public cloud.

The Solution Builder considers a variety of factors, including the nature of your specific project, the technical application or architecture requirements and the geographic location of your deployment to create a personalized recommendation. This interactive tool even provides real-time feedback that shows you how different requirements will alter the type of infrastructure that fits your needs.

Agile hosting – If you require a rapid deployment with no long-term commitment, Internap’s Agile hosting platform may be a good fit.
Managed hosting – For companies that require a more customized solution and prefer to evenly distribute the costs of deployment over the life of the application, a managed hosting solution can provide increased control.
Colocation – For organizations that want to own and manage their own hardware and equipment and take advantage of shared power connections, HVAC systems, physical security and redundant architecture, colocation may be the best option.

Evaluating your infrastructure options? Internap’s Solution Builder can help you find and build the solution that best fits your requirements.

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Ansley Kilgore

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