Yes, it’s that time of year. The tree is up, the stockings are hung and holiday music fills my house. We have all the standards playing – Winter Wonderland, Jingle Bell Rock, Santa Claus is coming to Town – you get the idea, and I can’t get them out of my head. I suppose belting out the Glee version of “We Need a Little Christmas” during a meeting could be counter-productive, but luckily I work with an indulgent crew who themselves are now humming it nonstop.
With all this holiday music getting mashed up in my head along with 2013 planning on my mind, I began to imagine the gifts that Internap could wrap and put under your proverbial IT Infrastructure tree. Consider it the IT version of sugarplums dancing in my head. So indulge me a little more as I end the year with my version of a holiday classic – IT Infrastructure style.
Sing to the tune of the 12 Days of Christmas, and start each verse with the following: “On the first (second, third, etc.) day of Christmas IT Santa gave to me.”
On the first day of Christmas, IT Santa gave to me – A powerful Performance IP.
Day 2 – Two redundant NOCs
Day 3 – Three CDNs
Day 4 – Four remote hands
Day 5 – Five Agile Clouds
Day 6 – Route performance tracking
Day 7 – Best-in-class support
Day 8 – Colocation service
Day 9 – P-NAP architecture
Day 10 – Private cloud solutions
Day 11 – Dedicated hosting
Day 12 – Web acceleration
No Santas, elves or members of the Internap marketing team were harmed in the making of this video. Happy holidays!