In the interest of providing the best performance and support available, we’ve made the decision to decommission several legacy Flow Control Platform (FCP and FCR) network appliances, some of which have been deployed for more than seven years. Specifically, the following models are End-of-Life (EOL) and will reach End-of-Service (EOS) by December 31, 2013:
- FCP (10G, 10Gx, 5200, 5200 Blade, 500, 120, 100, and 60)
- FCR (85, 10G)
“End of service” essentially means that we’ve stopped producing software code updates/fixes for the 4.X code base running on the legacy systems affected by this end-of-life notification. We will however continue to support these legacy products via active Maintenance Agreements until 12/31/2013.
Not to worry though, our new FCP 10GigE or FCP GigE platforms include the latest generation hardware, more power and run state-of-the-art FCP code base to handle all of your multi-homed optimization needs. Moreover, we are offering reduced rates to assist you in upgrading to these new platforms, which include the first year of Support and Maintenance at no charge.
Information about the new platforms can be found here.
Please call your FCP rep or 877.843.7627 if you need assistance during this transition.