Jan 28, 2015

News roundup: IPv6 is crucial for the future of networking and IoT

Ansley Kilgore

With the growth of Internet of Things (IoT) technology and new approaches to data privacy and network security, IPv6 adoption will become a popular topic in the year ahead. We’ve put together a collection of articles to keep you updated on recent IPv6 news.

Why isn’t IPv6 Taking Off?

While there are several legitimate reasons why IT organizations are not rushing to adopt IPv6, change is coming sooner rather than later, and businesses need to be prepared. Over the next few years, millions of routers will hit their physical limits due to IPv4 de-aggregation and IPv6 adoption, and companies will be faced with spending enormous amounts of money to move to next-generation platforms. Read original article here.

Making a Strong Case for IPv6

For IT professionals trying to convince their organizations to prepare for IPv6, this article by John Curran, President and CEO of the American Registry for Internet Numbers (ARIN), outlines three straightforward points to show the benefits of adoption. Strategic planning by IT and business leaders will ensure a future-proof network infrastructure with optimal website performance to support the increasing number of mobile users, and provide access to complete analytics for business decision making. Read original article here.

UK Regulator Sets Out Priorities For Growing The Internet Of Things

Earlier this week, the U.K. telecommunications regulator Ofcom outlined four areas of focus that need to be addressed in order to foster growth for IoT technology. Data privacy and network security were identified as top priorities to address consumer mistrust. Along with secure networking and data storage, IPv6 will become increasingly important to the development of the IoT since it can support connections between a greater number of devices. Read original article here.

Networking in 2015: Will IPv6 be an Issue?

With the increasing adoption of public, private and hybrid cloud solutions, managing distributed networking policy across different deployment types will become more challenging for network administrators. Several vendors are getting involved with policy management, and VMware is leading the OpenStack Congress project to establish a simpler policy language and environment for management of distributed network policy. In addition to policy, IT leaders must also address increasing IPv6 usage and plan how to support it within their organization. Read original article here.

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Ansley Kilgore

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