Oct 12, 2012

Technology that changes the world in an instant


Gangnam Style. You’ve probably seen the video, heard the song, watched the interviews and are aware of its extremely viral nature. (If you’ve been living in a cave — which apparently I was because I only learned of it late last week – check it out on YouTube. Nearly 440 million others have.) Another example of something going viral is within two hours of the start of last night’s VP debates, CNN made available split screen animations comparing both candidates facial expressions of seriousness, bewilderment, laughter and “lots of toothy grinning.” In fact, you can see all types of debate roundups including the top 25 funniest tweets. One of my favorites:

“‏To think, all this just to sway 4 – 6% of undecided voters. And those folks are not watching the ‪#VPdebate.”

Chad Schomber

Of course, none of this would be possible without technology, which is constantly evolving. But even with all the different forms of instant communication available today, it is often possible you aren’t always “in the know.” So, my mashup this week is intended to provide you with a sampling of the many predictions for technology trends in 2013.

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