Feb 8, 2013

Trends for content owners in 2013: the rise of the multi-tablet household

Ansley Kilgore

Trend 2: The rise of the multi-tablet household
Content owners are now faced with the challenge of providing an optimal user experience for a variety of devices, including tablets. As the number of multi-tablet households increases, customers are using them in different ways – smaller devices are more likely to be used for eBook reading, mobile-as-Web browsing, email and photo sharing, while their larger 10-inch counterparts may work better for browsing full versions of websites, reviewing presentations or watching full-length video. How will digital publishers meet the demand for content that is quick to load, always available and optimized for a myriad of devices?

To learn more, download our white paper, Five Trends to Watch for Content Owners in 2013.

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Ansley Kilgore

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