For this week’s mashup I “Googled,” Binged,” “[insert search engine here]” the phrase “what is success?” The first result on the page was obvious: the dictionary definition of success, following that was a website: www.what-is-success.com, which is a book promo site, and then an ezinearticle: “What is Success and How Do We Achieve it?” Here’s what the author had to say:
“To be clear about what success is must be the first step to achieving success.
So far, the best definition I have come across is: “Success is the completion of anything intended.” In other words success is finishing what you planned to do. Even robbing a bank is a kind of success if that is what you wished to do. However, you probably did not intend to end up in prison!
The above definition of success shines a light on failure and success. Make a plan and follow it and you will have succeeded. Make a plan and do not follow it and you will have failed. …”
This, in turn, led me to thinking about how industry leaders define success, what IT solutions do successful businesses use, how do our own customers use IT to achieve their success, etc. Here’s my mashup on success:
- CIO Announces the 2012 CIO Hall of Fame Inductees and CIO Ones to Watch Award Honorees
- Achieving high-power densities in colocation environments
- Disaster Recovery Solutions guarantee protection of critical data
- Have a plan
- Prior planning pervades cloud success projects
- Disaster Recovery Planning Keys to Success
If you are interested in reading about some of our customers’ successes in solving their IT business needs, we have compiled a dozen case studies in this eBook. Enjoy reading, and let me know if you have any thoughts on how to define/achieve success.