It’s that time of year to stock up on school supplies and replace those often worn items that your child has outgrown or destroyed beyond recognition. So, where to go? According to USA TODAY, the convergence of smartphone technology, social-media data and futuristic technology such as 3-D printers is changing the face of retail in a way that experts across the industry say will upend the bricks-and-mortar model in a matter of a few years. While still several years away technology making magic mirrors possible (virtual dressing rooms to see how something would look on you), there are others here today. Two of the hottest topics surrounding mobile app development right now — social media and HTML5. Walletless platforms for smartphones are no longer a figment of our imagination. The list goes on…
And anyone in the business knows the cost of poor website performance such as latency and jitter. Dire stats such as: 78% of end users will go to a competitor’s site due to poor performance and a one-second delay in website performance equals a 7% reduction in customer conversions.
Here are some recent articles about retail and its future:
- Recently released market study: Airport Retail Trends in Europe, 2012-2013
- The Future of Retail and Your Money
- Retailers seek to cash in on mobile-payment trend
- Positive Retail Sales Report Isn’t Winning Over Skeptics
- The Best Move to Save This Retail Dinosaur
So retail’s high-tech future may mean no more malls to spend the day meandering and purchasing? Well, at least I can still get my retail therapy, just in a completely different way. What are you doing to prepare for the technology that will impact your end users? If you are in the retail business, you may want to read our solutions brief: The Keys to Success for Online Retailers for ideas to further your business online.