Apr 27, 2012

Why does the IT director cross the street?


Why does the IT director cross the street?I don’t know about you, but when my sweet tooth hits, I need a cookie…stat!  Which really got me thinking, are today’s consumers — who want things better, faster and cheaper — having a technology sweet tooth, in need of immediate satisfaction? Just viewing trends in consumer behavior over the last few years — it certainly seems to be the case. But as technology professionals — what can we do to satisfy their cravings? In the age of the cloud, it’s a game of time…provisioning time.  With new products, sites and services coming online every day — you don’t have time to waste when releasing your latest innovation. It used to be that provisioning a server was a long, laborious (not to mention expensive) process, but with today’s on-demand hosting platforms and self-service technologies you can mix and match physical servers and cloud instances, which can be provisioned in just minutes. Talk about satisfying a craving!

So…you’re probably wondering, why does the IT director cross the street? To get a cookie of course.

Want to know what can help satisfy your technology sweet tooth — just check out how we can provision servers in minutes instead of hours… and remember: Coders get hungry </too>!

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