HorizonIQ and Voxtell – Delivering Unmatched Customer Service

In today’s competitive landscape, exceptional customer service is the key differentiator.

This is especially true for Voxtell, a solution provider in the Voice over IP (VoIP) industry. They understand that consistent service quality is paramount to their clients’ success. However, maintaining a stable infrastructure is crucial to achieving this goal, and that’s where HorizonIQ comes in.

How HorizonIQ Empowers Voxtell to Deliver Exceptional Customer Service Through Reliable Infrastructure

March 2024

In today’s competitive landscape, exceptional customer service is a key differentiator. This is especially true for Voxtell, a solution provider in the Voice over IP (VoIP) industry. They understand that consistent service quality is paramount to their clients’ success. However, maintaining a stable infrastructure is crucial to achieving this goal, and that’s where HorizonIQ comes in.

Prioritizing Customer Focus with Stable Infrastructure

Founded in 2014, Voxtell has always prioritized exceeding customer expectations. They take pride in their customer-centric approach, even turning down business if it’s not a good fit. However, their initial data center providers presented a challenge: frequent outages disrupted their services and diverted valuable resources from core business activities.

Finding a Reliable Partner in HorizonIQ

In 2016, Voxtell partnered with HorizonIQ (formerly INAP), seeking a solution that would not only ensure service stability but also free up their team to focus on what matters most: their customers. They started with a colocation model, purchasing equipment and receiving management services from HorizonIQ. Recognizing the value of HorizonIQ’s expertise, they later transitioned to a fully managed service model, allowing them to completely offload infrastructure management.

A Multi-Faceted Approach to Uninterrupted Service

HorizonIQ’s solution for Voxtell included a multi-pronged approach:

Geo-redundant servers: Primary location in Atlanta with a secondary location in Dallas for disaster recovery.

Bare Metal deployment for VoIP: Ensured consistent performance and avoided virtualization-related issues.

Hybrid cloud strategy: Utilized a mix of HorizonIQ, Google Cloud, and AWS to achieve optimal coverage and redundancy.

This comprehensive strategy has delivered significant benefits for Voxtell:

  • Reduced downtime: HorizonIQ’s reliable infrastructure has minimized outages, ensuring exceptional service continuity for Voxtell’s clients.
  • Improved focus: By offloading infrastructure management to HorizonIQ, Voxtell has redirected resources towards core business activities, leading to improved customer service and business growth.
  • Scalability: The hybrid cloud strategy has facilitated Voxtell’s geographic expansion. Voxtell was able to use foundations of the initial hybrid cloud strategy they deployed with HorizonIQ to continue service expansion into other areas of the world.

Junior Smizmaul, CEO of Voxtell, highlights: “HorizonIQ’s reliable infrastructure and managed services have slashed our downtime, ensuring uninterrupted service for our clients.” This translated directly to their core mission. Smizmaul continues, “By entrusting them with infrastructure management, we’ve refocused on delivering top-notch customer service.”

A Partnership Built on Trust and Transparency

Beyond the technical expertise, Voxtell values HorizonIQ’s commitment to building strong partnerships and dedication to customer service. They appreciate the prompt attention to their inquiries and the transparency in communication, allowing them to stay informed and involved. “HorizonIQ’s commitment to transparency and support has made them an invaluable ally,” Smizmaul adds. “With their stability at our side, we’re poised for even greater success.”

Looking Ahead: Continued Growth and a Unified Future

As Voxtell anticipates continued growth, HorizonIQ remains a trusted partner, prepared to support their evolving needs and provide the reliability that is critical to Voxtell’s success. This case study exemplifies how HorizonIQ’s reliable infrastructure, managed services, and customer-centric approach empower businesses like Voxtell to focus on what they do best: delivering exceptional customer service.

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