Nov 30, 2010

Revving up the ‘NASCAR Cloud’


What’s another sign to me that cloud services are going mainstream? I was watching an episode of 30 Rock recently and it had a commercial from Microsoft with home users talking about going “to the cloud.” As more businesses and consumers use cloud services, the networks to access the cloud and the processing, storage and virtualization resources within it invariably could get bogged down. So performance will become a critical issue.

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Nov 23, 2010

Political Speeches Move from the Stump to the Server


With Google reporting recently that 35 hours of video are uploaded to YouTube every minute, it’s clear that online video is impacting everything from entertainment and education to customer service and a number of other areas of daily life.

And after the U.S. elections on November 2nd, it’s clear you can add politics to that list.

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Nov 17, 2010

Cloudy With a Chance of Confusion


While “cloud computing” has been reverberating as a hot topic in the telecom and IT trade press for years, you know it is reaching critical mass when USA Today writes about it.

In fact, that story about how small businesses are able to leverage a host of services and applications delivered from the cloud is a good example of how confusing this phrase can be. Is the cloud a network-based application? Is it a service creation environment? Or is it the hardware and networks for service delivery? Or is it all of those things?

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Nov 12, 2010

Our “Slant” on Today’s High-Performance, Hyper-Connected World


The power and potential of the Web has likely never been more evident than it is today – reshaping the way consumers live and enterprises do business on an almost daily basis. Some telling indicators of this include:


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